may, 2020
This is a repeating eventapril 25, 2020 11:00 ammay 9, 2020 11:00 am
02may11:00 am12:00 pmCritCon - Critique for Confidence - Virtual Event!

Event Details
Remember, Stay apart. Learn Together. - THIS IS AN ONLINE EVENT You do not have to get critiqued to enjoy this event. Please join us to listen to all the feedback
Event Details
Remember, Stay apart. Learn Together. – THIS IS AN ONLINE EVENT
You do not have to get critiqued to enjoy this event. Please join us to listen to all the feedback these great photographers get.
CritCon -Critique for Confidence
We will be going online for the foreseeable future for critiques.
We will be connecting through Zoom at this link:
We will be doing critiques two times a week and will try to keep each meetup to an hour. Each photo will get about 5 minutes of quality discussion and critique. Photos will be randomly selected to be critiqued. If we do not get through all photos in the hour we will continue where we left off at the next meetup! As always this will adapt as the needs of the group change.
If you would like to discuss more about your photo Erik will be available after the critique or can be scheduled for one-on-one chats.
You will be able to upload the photo to Erik on Zoom when you enter the meeting. We will be doing live Lightroom adjustments to files so a JPG file is great but if you have the Raw file with XMP attached, TIFF, or PSD that will also work great.
You can also send your image to [email protected]
If you have any questions about how to set up zoom please contact me at the above email and we can go thru it before the critique!
I am excited to try this new format out!
I, like many of you, sit in a dark room in front of computer screen and edit. That little voice inside your head constantly asking…is this working…does this look good…is it compelling…is it my best work?
Having come from a job where I had 15 other photographers to turn around and ask those questions to and get immediate feedback…I yearn for that critique, the honesty of a comrade in developer and fixer (or for the new age- a comrade in pixels) to help me improve my craft and forge my vision into a force of self expression and engagement.
This will be a night to be courageous and put your images out there for peers to view, love, praise, and polish.
Some Tips on How to Critique:
Stop, Look, Understand, Critique – This is to start a dialogue not be mean or to show how much you know about photography. People are coming here to improve. Be fair, kind and direct.
A Critique Is Not an Opinion
Art is full of subjective quantities. It’s also full of objective quantities. Focus on the latter. There’s nothing wrong with expressing a personal preference, so long as it’s framed as a preference and not a critique. Critiques should focus on factually based characteristics. If someone chose to color tone a photograph a certain way, you can certainly express your preference for another color palette, but you can’t argue the superiority of one or another. If someone presents a blurry shot, there are objective, measurable quantities such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISO that can be invoked to discuss why the shot was blurry and how it can be remedied.
Also, come to the critique with an open mind. Every one has an objective opinion about art, but if 3 or more people have the same opinion it might need be taken into consideration…Too Positive or Too Negative..ignore it. Most important to consider…are you ready to have this image critiqued…
If you cannot critique someones work, how can you be ready to have yours critiqued. Have courage to critique and confidence to build on your critiques.
This group will of course morph and grow. Suggestions are wanted and loved.
Erik Holladay-McCann will be our moderator. He will help guide and encourage the critique. We will not allow personal attacks on the image makers themselves. This is a space for caring for our fellow image makers, expanding our perfection of the craft, and most of all building a community that lifts us all to the next level in our photography. A rising tide carries all ships….
(Saturday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Denver See Like a Photographer GroupWelcome, photo seekers! I started this group because there are a million tutorials, articles and groups devoted to HOW a camera works and WHAT "photography rules" you should be implementing in order to take better photos, but never could find anything that focused on how to SEE your world around you. As a beginner, all that information left me overwhelmed, intimidated, and feeling like I had to do things a certain way in order to become a better photographer. Over the past 6 years shooting, I've learned that it's not the camera that matters - it's the person behind it who has the vision to create the photo in the first place. Welcome to the Denver See Like a Photographer Group - a place to meet others who want to take better photos. All are welcome here - whether you're looking for an excuse to get outdoors and take more photos, or want to meet other people, or you've been shooting for awhile and are looking for something to bring the fun back into photography. This is a place where we are all students, we are all teachers. My intention is to create opportunities to get out and shoot together - regardless of the type of camera you're shooting with. Cell phone, point and shoot, polaroid, dslr, whatever - the only requirement is an open mind and a willingness to have fun! Questions? Message me or email me at [email protected]. -Anne PS - in order to stay in the loop, receive updates and discounts and receive DIY photo exercises, please subscribe to our free newsletter here. (