may, 2020
This is a repeating eventjune 11, 2020 6:00 pm
14may6:00 pm8:30 pmASMP Colorado Chapter Board Meeting – VIA GOOGLE HANGOUTS
Event Details
The board meetings will be through Google Hangouts until things
Event Details

The board meetings will be through Google Hangouts until things change. Stay tuned for any updates when this will be back to in-person meetings.
Phone Numbers (US)+1 864-688-9793
ASMP Colorado board members discuss membership, educational outreach, events, social media, marketing, sponsorship, general issues, ASMP National issues, work out logistics and strive to make membership an enjoyable and enriching experience.
ASMP Colorado members, if you would like to attend an ASMP Colorado Board meeting to see what’s going on behind the scenes of bringing you the most relevant information and events everyday, register below . We like to see members get more involved and we’ll be happy to have you.
>>Please note, the location does change from time to time, so please check with a board member to verify.<<
If you would like to become a member and take advantage of membership pricing for all of our events, as well as attend our board meetings, please click here. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of ASMP membership, click here.
(Thursday) 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
ASMP ColoradoASMP Colorado serves fellow professional and emerging photographers by presenting educational programs, fostering camaraderie and is a creative resource for the art buying community.[email protected]