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Search for resources, and find who & what you need to succeed.
PRODUCTION COMPANIES - Corporate / Industrial
Video crew booking service which provides video production crews across the US and worldwide; crews and production personnel for broadcast, corporate and commercial clients; database of over 3000 listings. CREDITS: All major U.S. and Canadian networks, Discovery Channel, HBO, A&E, John Deere, Oracle, BET, The Daily Show, ABC Entertainment, Disney, Burson-Marsteller, General Mills, Hewlett-Packard, HGTV, NBA Entertainment, and numerous other corporate, commercial and broadcast clients.
For three decades, Crew Connection has built up our own (big) little black book full of the best freelance video service providers all over the world. Our team of crew coordinators are veterans in everything from editing broadcast television to post-production to shooting documentaries. We take pride in using our expertise to offer our clients white-glove service and match them up with the right crew and the right gear—anytime, anywhere.
Woman-owned and located near Denver, Colorado, the Crew Connection team works hard and plays even harder. We enjoy hiking, potlucks, happy hours, and ping pong to keep us refreshed and ready to answer your questions around the clock.
Thanks to Crew Connection and our partner service PayReel, it’s never been easier for everyone from corporate media managers to individuals to outsource the recruitment, management, and payment of freelance video service providers.
Special Skills & Experience:
Provides video crews and production professionals and equipment including Directors of Photography, Audio Techs, Gaffers, Grips, Make-up, Teleprompter Operators and more in Colorado, across the US and around the world.
303.829.5895 After Hours