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Women in Film and Media Colorado (WIFMCO)
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- Women in Film and Media Colorado (WIFMCO)
Company Name: | WIFMCO |
Street Address: | |
Unit or Suite No.: | |
City, State & Zip: | Denver, CO |
Primary Contact Number: | 7207781738 |
Primary Contact Email: | [email protected] |
Website: | |
Social Media Link: | |
Women in Film and Media Colorado is a non-profit organization committed to uniting, educating, and empowering women media makers and their community by providing resources, networking and educational programs, and by actively pursuing equitable treatment and opportunities for women.
Women in Film and Media Colorado (WIFMCO) is dedicated to the advancement of all women working in the film, television, multi-media, web and video game industries in Colorado. Through educational panels, networking events, a newsletter, contests and more, we hope to connect, empower, educate and support all female media makers and help to elevate the Colorado media industry overall.
Our events are open to everyone. Membership in our organization is open to anyone who identifies as a woman who works in media in the state of Colorado and men in Colorado who support the advancement of women as media makers.
We received 501c3 status in March of 2017, and are now an official chapter of Women in Film and Television International (WIFTI), the parent organization for all Women in Film chapters. This will connect our members with even more resources to advance their careers in the industry.
We look forward to meeting YOU at our next event. Please explore the website to learn more about our mission, the board, upcoming events, membership benefits and opportunities to get involved. WIFMCO can only be a success with your participation and enthusiasm, so we invite you to join us in making Colorado an amazing place for women mediamakers to work, live and create!
Special Skills & Experience
FREE monthly events that help you:
o Develop new skills that advance your career
o Meet and network with major players in Colorado film to advance your career
o Keep up to date on the latest news and regulations
- Get exclusive discounts on film festival passes, film production and editing services, studio rentals, gear rentals, post audio services and more
- Exclusive members only Facebook group with real time feed back on projects, job postings the moment they’re open and conversation surrounding important Colorado film
- Updates on upcoming Colorado film job opportunities
- Powerful partnerships with other film organizations to help you advance your career
Professional Affiliations
Union: Yes
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